Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Rate Your Rack - Your votes, boobs and moment of fame


RateYourRack.com is a great site that allows visitors to submit pictures of their boobs and have others rate them on a scale of 1-10. You don't have to send topless pictures if you don't want to, but guys will be guys, and the more you show, the better.

Photos with the highest scores appear on the top 10 racks. But making it to the top 10 is the easy part, it only takes 20 votes to get your moment of fame. If you're hot enough, keeping those ranks should be no problem.

Does the girl you picked up on have real or fake boobs? Some men swear they can tell real boobs from fake the moment they see a pair. I can’t and that's why I get my second opinions from RateYourRack.com - All you have to do is snap a photo and send it in! (Note: site owners will not be responsible for any damages caused by angry boyfriends).

There are many free and cool features on the site such as: add or remove a photo, check your status, store your favorites, view slide shows, view recent, worst, and funny racks.

RateGateway.net members get access to it all, just point and click any guy or girl body part that you want to rate at http://www.RateGateway.net

Show your support, post/vote on pictures, have fun, and join as a member to keep the free stuff coming.
